Gori Sveta Gora: Helikopteri s vodom u borbi sa snažnim vetrom, požar se približava manastiru

Firefighter pumping water onto the fire from the roof of the fire truck vehicle. Wildfires in Greece during a long heatwave and dry summer season. Dadia National Park is burning for 8th consecutive day. The major front is near Lefkimmi. One of the largest ecological disaster in Greece as the virgin forest and the core of the Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli - Evros National Park hosts endangered bird species for breeding and feeding like birds of prey and vultures. Helicopters and aircraft are assisting the fire brigade. The air vehicles are operating in addition to the ground firefighter forces which are spread around the forest with little fires and smoke. The army, volunteers and local lumberjacks are helping the firefighting operation by creating firebreak zones. Dadia forest, Evros, Thrace, Greece on July 28, 2022 Wildfires At Dadia National Park In Greece - 28 Jul 2022,Image: 713601382, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Jutros oko sedam časova ujutru po grčkom vremenu prijavljen je požar u šumovitom delu Svete Gore, u blizini manastira Svete Lavre.

U svrhu gašenja požara, na teren su poslata četiri kanadera, dok helikopter takođe pokušava da ispusti vodu.

Pored toga, u borbu je uključeno jedanaest vozila sa 43 vatrogasca i tri ekipe pešadijskog odeljenja.

Požar je u toku u šumskom delu Svete Gore , udaljenom od manastira, dok u okolini duvaju vetrovi jačine pet bofora, piše Protothema.